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Turkey Earthquake Fund

As KFT, whatever you donate,
we'll double the amount & donate winter clothes & blankets
for kids & babies to the effected areas as soon as possible.

7 millions children are waiting on the streets. In most areas, it's snowing and it's freezing cold. Every possible humanitarian help is needed.
For more information, you can contact us.  We'll share upcoming developments in our social media accounts.

If you want to help but don't know how and what, we wanted to make the process as easy and transparent as possible.
In 2 days, all gathered amount will be doubled by KFT and we'll buy the most needed blankets and winter clothes for kids. We'll deliver to official distribution channels.

Two earthquakes measuring 7.7 took place on 6 February 2023 at 04:17 in Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaraş and 7.6 took place at 13:24 in Elbistan district of Kahramanmaraş. It was felt intensely in the surrounding provinces, especially in Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Osmaniye, Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, Malatya, Kilis and Adana.

Improvement works carried out to eliminate the conditions that affect the general life after earthquakes and to meet the urgent needs of our citizens in the disaster continue under the coordination of AFAD in cooperation with public institutions, organizations and NGOs.

Many requests for aid are received from our philanthropic citizens who want to support the improvement and normalization in Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Osmaniye, Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, Malatya, Adana, Kilis and the surrounding provinces.

For more details, write us on Whatsapp.