Wholesale Kids & Baby Wear From 150+ Manufacturers to 130+ Countries.

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our web site (“www.kidsfashionturkey.com”).

These Terms and Conditions govern the access to and use of www.kidsfashionturkey.com. The access to and use of this web site as well as the purchase of products on www.kidsfashionturkey.com are based on the assumption that these Terms and Conditions have been read, understood and accepted by you.

This website is managed and maintained by KFT LTD. – Altınşehir Mah. 163. (280) Sk. B Blok No:11B İç Kapı No:99 16120 Nilüfer / Bursa – Türkiye

If you need further information or assistance, go to the Contact Page where you will find information on orders, shipping, refunds and returning products purchased on www.kidsfashionturkey.com, a registration form, tips and other general information on the services provided by www.kidsfashionturkey.com.

Globality Inc., may amend or simply update all or part of these Terms and Conditions. Any amendment or update of the Terms and Conditions shall be posted for our users on the Home Page of www.kidsfashionturkey.com as soon as such amendments or updates have been made and shall be binding as soon as they are published on the web site in this section. Therefore, you should regularly access this section on the web site in order to check the publication of the most recent and updated Terms and Conditions of www.kidsfashionturkey.com. If you do not agree to all or part of the www.kidsfashionturkey.com’s Terms and Conditions, please do not use our web site.

The access to and use of www.kidsfashionturkey.com, including display of web pages, communication with Globality Inc., downloading product information and making purchases on the web site, are carried out by our users exclusively for personal purposes, which should in no way be connected to any trade, business or professional activity. Remember that you will be liable for your use of www.kidsfashionturkey.com and its contents. Globality Store shall not be considered liable for any use of the web site and its contents made by its users that is not compliant with the laws and regulations in force, without prejudice to Globality Store’s liability for intentional torts and gross negligence.

In particular, you will be liable for communicating information or data which is not correct, false or concerning third parties (in the event such third parties have not given their consent) as well as for any improper use of such data or information.

1. Privacy Policy

We recommend that you read the Privacy Policy which also applies in the event that users access to www.kidsfashionturkey.com and use the relevant services without making purchases. The Privacy Policy will help you understand how and for what purposes www.kidsfashionturkey.com collects and uses your personal data.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

All content included on this Site, such as works, images, pictures, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, menus, web pages, graphics, colours, schemes, tools, fonts, designs, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software (collectively, “Content”), is the property of Globality Inc. and is protected by national and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce, publish, distribute, display, modify, create derivative work from, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, the Content without the prior express written consent of Globality Inc..

Globality Inc. shall have the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit in their sole discretion any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivative work from, or exploitation in any way of, in whole or in part, the Content. Globality Inc. shall have the right, at any time, to claim the authorship of any Content posted on this Site and to object to any use, distortion or other modification of such Content.

Any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivative work from, or exploitation in any way of, the Content expressly authorized in writing by Globality Inc. shall be carried out by you for lawful purposes only and in compliance with all applicable laws.

3. Links to Other Web Sites

www.kidsfashionturkey.com may contain links to other web sites which are in no way connected to www.kidsfashionturkey.com. Globality Inc. does not control or monitor such third party web sites or their contents. Globality Inc. shall not be held liable for the contents of such sites and/or for the rules adopted by them in respect of, but not limited to, your privacy and the processing of your personal data when you are visiting those web sites. Please, pay attention when you access these web sites through the links provided on www.kidsfashionturkey.com and carefully read their terms and conditions and their privacy policies. Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy do not apply to the web sites of third parties.

4. Links To www.kidsfashionturkey.com

Please, contact to our Customer Support Team, if you are interested in linking the Home page of www.kidsfashionturkey.com and other web pages which can be publicly accessible.

Globality Inc. is entitled to object to certain links to its web site in the event that the applicant who intends to activate links to www.kidsfashionturkey.com has, in the past, adopted unfair commercial or business practices which are not generally adopted or accepted by the market operators, or has made unfair competition activities vis-à-vis the Provider or the latter’s suppliers, or when the Globality Inc. fears that such practices or such activities might be adopted by the applicant in the future. In any event, it is forbidden to post deep links (such as deep frames) to www.kidsfashionturkey.com or to use unauthorised meta-tags without the Globality Inc. consent.

5. Disclaimers on Content

Globality Inc. does not warrant that the contents of the web site are appropriate or lawful in other Countries outside Turkey. However, in the event that such contents are deemed to be unlawful or illegal in some of these Countries, please do not access this web site and, where you nonetheless choose to access it, we hereby inform you your use of the services provided by www.kidsfashionturkey.com shall be your exclusive and personal responsibility. Globality Inc. has also adopted measures to ensure that the content of www.kidsfashionturkey.com is accurate and does not contain any incorrect or out-of-date information. However, Globality Inc. cannot be held liable for the accuracy and completeness of the content, except for its liability for tort and gross negligence and as otherwise provided for by the law.

Moreover Globality Inc. cannot guarantee that the web site will operate continuously, without any interruptions and errors due to the connection to the Internet. In the event of any problem in using our web site please contact our Customer Support Team. A Globality Inc. representative will be at your disposal to assist and help you to restore your access to the web site, as far as possible. At the same time, please contact your Internet services provider or check that each device for Internet connection and access to web content is correctly activated, including your Internet browser. The dynamic nature of the Internet and web content may not allow www.kidsfashionturkey.com to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to updating the web site. The Provider has adopted adequate technical and organisational security measures to protect services on www.kidsfashionturkey.com, integrity of data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorised use of or access to data, as well as to prevent risks of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential/non confidential information regarding users of www.kidsfashionturkey.com, and to avoid unauthorised or unlawful access to such data and information.

6. Our Business Policy

The Provider has adopted a business policy; its mission consists of selling products through its services and its web site to “B2B consumer” only. “B2B Consumer” shall mean any natural person, corporate, other wholesalers .. etc who is acting on www.kidsfashionturkey.com for purposes which are outside his or her trade, business or professional activity (if any). If you are not a B2B consumer, please do not use our services for purchasing products on www.kidsfashionturkey.com.

7. Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Turkish law.

8. Errors and inaccuracies

Our goal is to provide complete, accurate, and up-to-date information on our website. Unfortunately, it is not possible to ensure that any website is completely free of human or technological errors. This website may contain typographical mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions.